
Exposition MANU NGOG et YASÜ

27 November, 2020 469 0

First of all, I want to thank you for making me the friendship of coming Thursday evening and following the course of FOUART GALLERY.

This second exhibition since the creation of our gallery where Manu Ngog and Yasü have the honor of opening a new path which could be called "Resistance" because it shows with force the drift of our current world but also the hope of renewal.
I would like to particularly thank Marie, Yasmina and Vincent for their professionalism and their dedication to ensuring that this exhibition exists.
The exhibition will last until November 4 and continue the struggle to surf this period of upheaval and change.
We build the common thread of the gallery as we meet, but the common denominator will remain poetry.
It is obvious to us that this is only the beginning and that our exhibitions never die because they will continue to tour in France and Africa.
Remember The first exhibition had as a common thread, faces enamored with sensibilities and depths, the broken faces of this world gone mad.
For the Charly Lesquelin and Fouadi exhibition, I would like to congratulate and thank Fanny Stofft for this exhibition and her initiative to present Charly Lesquelin, an artist from Reunion Island who helps to disseminate the richness of her city's culture.
Fouadi's world is indefinable, supremely lost, his characters want to tell us stories but prefer to speak to be silent or to be silent to speak.
The Charly Lesquelin and Fouadi exhibition will land at the FANOFT GALLERY at 38 rue Monseigneur Tréhiou 56000 Vannes, another magical place.
Thank you and let us remain united so that our vision of the world and of our society remains anchored in humanism and in sharing our differences.

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